So far this is what I've finished in this anthology.
“Raisa Stepanova” by Carrie Vaughn
I was so very surprised by how vastly different this short story was from Vaughn's Kitty Norville series. This story exhibits how much she has grown as an author. I loved this story, and how the plot worked itself out.
“A Queen in Exile” by Sharon Kay Penman
This really peaked my interest. I'm honestly a sucker for stories about European monarchy. Doesn't really matter which be it about the British, French, Spanish, German, Italian. I love the intrigue, the proper speech, and the etiquette.
“Hell Hath No Fury” by Sherilynn Kenyon
Well that was a bust. Can I please have the 3 hours of my life back. I just didn't like the tone of this story. It felt that the plot was choppy, and I just feel that I could have been washing dishes with the time I spent reading this.
“Nora’s Song” by Cecelia Holland
No, just no! How could this story end like this? WTF am I missing? I'm not a history buff; so I need to do some personal homework on the time period. I'm throughly nonplussed right now.
City Lazarus” by Diana Rowland
Okay, so the theory behind this post-Slip is just weird. How in the world does this even make sense?>_<</spoiler>
"Bombshells" by Jim Butcher
I've been looking forward to reading this. It would have been nice to have read this before I read Cold Days, but I didn't. So we are following Molly's perspective in this story, and honestly I am not a fan.